Nicholas, Burak Strings
Oliver’s dedicated and proven coaching has seen students achieve remarkable success at every level. His approach to self-empowerment inspires a passion for excellence that inevitably benefits all areas of life. It is a great honor and pleasure to highly recommend Mr. Schlaffer!

Florida Sun-Sentinel
"Oliver demonstrated his command of the instrument, with stunningly in-tune double-stops...with solid playing, pulling out the dark melody with rich vibratos. The orchestra...really shone through in the dramatic swells...complementing the intensity of his playing."

Maggie, Parent
Over 5 years time, my son went from no desire to practice or attend regular lessons, to practicing regularly...eventually ranking 4th in the state with Mr. Schlaffer's patience and constant mentoring. Mr. Schlaffer is a great role-model, mentor and teacher...we are greatly indebted to him for helping my son become a very responsible person.

Abby, Student
Thank you for everything you have taught me over these past six years. Whether about music and cello or about life, you have always provided me with great advice to help me reach my fullest potential. I have looked forward to coming to your house each week because I know I will learn something new and exciting. Not many people can say that their music teacher taught them about quantum physics, theories from ancient philosophers, real estate investment, the secrets to living healthily, motivational speakers and so much more. But that is what makes you more than a cello instructor. You are motivational, inspiring, a mentor, and a friend, and I can honestly say that I would not be the person I am today without your guidance. I plan to continue playing cello throughout my college years and beyond because I cannot imagine myself not being a cellist. Thank you for everything.

Isaac, Student
Wow, where do I begin...I just want to thank you for all that you do. When we met way back when I was a freshman, I remember wanting so bad to take my cello playing to the next level. You helped me do this and so much more. Looking back, I realize how blessed I am to have a mentor and life coach in you. You have instilled in me so much wisdom and insight that I will take with me as I go on to college. Your passion for cello and knowledge is truly inspiring, and you helped me extend my dedication to cello to other areas of my life. I'm grateful for the opportunities you gave me to grow as a man and a musician, and I owe a huge part of my cello journey to you. The world needs more teachers like you ;-)

Jean, Parent
My son was fortunate enough to study with Mr. Schlaffer, who always inspires, encourages and motivates. He sets a high standard and is relentless in achieving high goals himself and encouraging all his students to as well. He focuses on helping one becoming the best they can be, teaching life lessons about curiosity, self motivation, discipline, and reaching for goals that apply to every walk of life. His lessons always bring a new perspective to cello learning as well as life learning, and have definitely left a great impact on my child. I am very grateful for having had that experience.

Betty, Parent
Oliver's mentoring and training is impressive in his attention to detail, his patience, and his vast knowledge. He is a mentor who cares about his students and has the ability to inspire them to reach beyond their expectations or limitations.
Thank you Oliver!

Janet, Parent
I want to take this opportunity to say thank you. Thank you for teaching my son not only how to play cello, but also how to become a good and mentally strong person. He told me that he read most of the books you recommended to him. He has become more mature and courageous, and better prepared to face and overcome life's difficulties. Once again, thank you!

Yoon, Parent
Theo often told us of the talks you had with him during his lessons, about self-motivation, focus, and organization. You talked with him about setting goals, both near- and long-term; and about the importance of planning in assuring future successes. We also feel lucky that Theo shared these particular years with you, so he was able to witness and benefit from your own career arc and growth. We always were amazed at the enthusiasm you shared with all your students, and the extra lengths to which you went in assuring their preparedness for significant auditions or milestones. We cannot thank you enough for all you did for Theo, and we encourage him to remain in touch with you in the future always, to share your mutual love for music and so much more.